Take the D&H Pasture Mix Taste Test

22nd August 2023

The below Taste Test is now closed!

We're launching the Dodson and Horrell Taste Test and we're looking for some budding participants to take part! Our flagship product Pasture Mix has been in the shops for YEARS but with so many fussy feeders out there we want your verdict!

To be eligible you must:

  • Own a horse or pony...from a Shetland to a shire
  • Have a social media account, so anything from TikTok to Facebook 
  • Consider your horse/pony a fussy eater or are looking to try a new product

How will it work?

  • Entries are open and close Friday 1st September! 
  • Our Team will look through all of the applications and chose the successful applicants who will be emailed by our team on Friday 8th September
  • Shortly after, successful applicants will receive an extra special package including a sample of our Pasture Mix! 
  • Once you've received your package, we'll be looking out for the vidoes or images of your horse/pony giving us a yay or neigh...! Tag us in and use the hashtag #myhorselovespasturemix 

If you have any questions, head over to our Instagram and send us a DM!

Find Out More About Pasture Mix

Pasture Mix is an ideal feed choice all year round. It supports the horse with a balance of sustainable energy in the form of fibre, oil and carbohydrates, which has secured its non-heating reputation. The healthy balance of essential vitamins and minerals, ensure the horse’s daily requirements are met, alongside their forage and grazing each day. Pasture Mix offers an appetising herbal blend, ensuring palatability for all.

Pasture Mix has been fuelling horses and ponies across all seasons, for generations. It is an ideal choice for horses and ponies in light to medium workloads, supporting everyone from the happy hacker to the school master and occasional competitor. The feeding rate offers flexibility with minimum and maximum values, to allow room for increases and decreases in workload and/or body condition.

Inside the bag you'll find...

  • Oat-grain free - Oat grains contain the vast majority of energy within the oat plant, whereas by-products such as oatfeed, oat husk, or oat straw contain a much greater proportion of fibre and less of the calories! Pasture Mix utilises the high fibre parts of the plant to support a cool head.
  • Low Protein - Horses obtain most of the protein they need each day from their forage and grazing. It is a key nutrient used throughout the horses body, for processes such as immune function, nutrient transport and reproduction. Pasture Mix’s low protein profile secures it’s suitability for the majority of leisure horses and ponies, as well as extending its reach to those requiring a low protein ration, as recommended by their vet.
  • Pasture Herbal Blend – Garlic, Mint, Basil, Oregano and Carrots give Pasture Mix its reputation of palatability, tempting even the fussiest of eaters.

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