- A fibre that sensibly and gently builds condition
- Suitable for horses and ponies who need to build condition at any level of work
- An all in one fibre based feed
- Specifically formulated for optimal balance of ingredients, nutrients and health support
- Low in starch and sugar
Particularly ideal for...
- Poor doers
- Those prone to gastric ulcers
- Those coming in from a period of rest
- Youngsters coming into work
- Those who need to gain condition whilst keeping a cool head

Feeding Guidelines
1 level Stubbs Scoop approximately contains: 0.5kg/1.1lbs
Feed 500g/100kg bodyweight per day in conjunction with free access to forage. Do not exceed 750g/100kg bodyweight per day in total. Divide into at least 2-3 meals per day.
Ensure a minimum intake of 2kg/100kg bodyweight of forage per day.
Fresh drinking water must be available at all times.
Bag Size: 18kg