Environment & Sustainability Management - Policy Statement
Dodson & Horrell Ltd (part of Oakes Millers Ltd Group) is a recognised leader in the design, marketing and distribution of specialist equine feeds, together with herbal blends and poultry food. These products are manufactured using selected wholesome raw materials to ensure that our products are of the highest nutritional quality. We work closely with local farmers who grow quality accredited crops. We were honoured to be granted a Royal Warrant of Appointment as manufacturers for horse feed in 1985.
Dodson & Horrell Ltd recognises the importance of environmental protection and sustainability and is committed to operating responsibly in compliance with all legal requirements. The policy is to carry out all reasonably practicable measures to meet, and where possible exceed, environmental requirements including those for local residents, the Environment Agency, Environmental Protection Offices from Cheshire County Council East, Cheshire County Council West and Shropshire County Council.
Our Environment & Sustainability Management Policy is reviewed at least annually as part of the Board Meetings. This includes:
- Understanding, control and communication of the effect of D&H activities.
- Assessment and monitoring of key environmental aspects, as detailed in Environmental Aspects Register.
- Promotion of efficiency and minimisation of waste of energy and water during manufacture.
- Promotion of the use of sustainable materials e.g. re-use of pallets, use of recycled and recyclable packaging, use of nutritious by-products from human food manufacture, use of sustainable raw materials like deforestation free soya.
- Segregation at source to facilitate the waste hierarchy: reduce waste/reuse/recycle.
- Reduction and/or limitation of air emissions, noise emissions and discharges to water.
- Practical development of systems to improve environmental performance.
- Our Net Zero target - we will be Net Zero by 2050 in line with the UK’s targets but we aim to be Net Zero by 2040.
- Assessment and monitoring of our Key Social Impacts:
- o Our responsibility to our Employees:
We provide safe and friendly workplace and conditions of employment; We offer equal opportunities for career development and provision of training as well as a generous reward and benefit package; We are a Mental Health Friendly Employer and actively promote both Health & Safety as well as Wellbeing.
- Our responsibility to our Local Community:
We are a Local Employer, providing work opportunities for local people, as well as development and training opportunities for the young people, in form of Apprenticeship Programme, University Placement Programme and Internship and school work experience opportunities; We endeavour to always operate as a responsible neighbour and consult new developments with the local community; We share resources with the local residents, providing access to a defibrillator and car park for the local church.
- Our responsibility to our Equine and Farming Community
We work with and sponsor many equine and farming initiatives and charities; We provide educational tours of our facilities for various Societies; Our representatives work within national and international networks to help deliver best practice in industry standards for equine nutrition and feeding, as well as closely working with British Equestrian Trade Association. We are an official supplier of Nutrition to Equestrian Team GB. We are registered with the AIC Feed Advisor Register, our agricultural sales specialists work with our customers to provide in-depth advice on best practises to aid sustainable farming.
- Our responsibility to our Suppliers
We promote and work with many local Suppliers; We communicate our values to our Suppliers via our Corporate Social Accountability and Ethical Trading Code of Conduct and expect them to adhere to its requirements.
- Our responsibility to our Customers
As well as providing high quality products we aim to provide support and technical advice to both end user customers and trade. We have a dedicated Helpline and our Nutritionists are on hand to provide advice on wide range of topics from feed reviews, forage advice, health matters, technical advice and information etc. We are accredited to a number of Industry Standards, to ensure both Feed Safety and Quality i.e. UFAS - Universal Feed Assurance Scheme, BETA NOPS (Naturally Occurring Prohibited Substances) Code of Practice, TASCC - Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops and Organic – accredited with Organic Farmers & Growers
This Policy is available to all employees, suppliers and sub-contractors as well as being made available for the public on the Dodson & Horrell website and by request.