I wanted to message you for a while now to thank you for all your products and research! Once I found out your products are available in Croatia I was thrilled!
After a lot of help and communication with both your Croatian representative and your nutritional advisors, we put together a feeding program for my horse. He was a skinny 6 yr old and I unsuccessfully tried every feed possible to make him gain some weight. After feeding him Alfalfa Oil Plus and Build Up Conditioning Mix for 3 months, he blossomed!
After obtaining the wanted topline, I transferred to Elite Sport Muesli and Alfalfa chaff and am now easily maintaining his desired weight.
Both Loki and I love all your feed, especially after training treats like Health Mash, Kwikbeet and Barleys Rings and will certainly continue to be faithful clients!
Sending lots of love from Croatia.