Historically, mueslis were fed for energy. They were known in racing as ‘sweet feeds’ because high sugar molasses was used to coat the muesli to make it palatable so that racehorses and other hard-working horses would eat enough to get the energy they required for their hard work. This is how mueslis were given the perception that they caused ‘fizzy’ behaviour.
Nowadays, cleverly designed coatings are sprayed onto mueslis that can consist of oils, syrups, flavours, and very low amounts of molasses in comparison to those from the mists of the past, which has allowed mueslis to become a versatile, and potentially less sugary feed than even cubes or pellets. This is good news for fizzy horses that are fussy feeders, especially horses that are on box rest, tie-up, have Ulcers, EMS, or Laminitis. Convalescent Muesli, ERS Cubes, Safe and Sound and CushCare Condition are all great lower starch choices to support your horse if they are suffering from these conditions.
Pasture Mix was one of the first products suitable for fuzzy and fizzy horses that owners struggled to encourage to eat up without getting over excited, and it remains one of the most palatable and versatile mueslis on the market for this reason. Our 80 years’ experience in scientific formulation and milling practices has resulted in development of ‘non-heating’ mueslis within most of our ranges, including Classic Fibre Mix in our Leisure category, right the way through to our top performance feeds like Elite Sport Muesli.