Alex Codina Leria

Alex Codina Leria

Discipline: Showjumping

Based In: Barcelona, Spain

Alex has been riding since he was three years old, having been involved with the family’s horses and the love of his grandfather for the equestrian sports. He began competing nationally in 2016, with his international debut happening in 2017 at the age of fifteen. By 2019 he was part of the junior showjumping team for Spain, progressing into the senior team in 2022. Nowadays, Alex is based at ALDA Stables near Barcelona, and he splits his time between his university studies and training and competing at national and international competitions.

Notable results:

  • Catalunya Champion (Pony D category) in 2016.
  • National Championships Young Riders 2021 (Spain): winner of a bronze medal.
  • CSIO5* Barcelona 2022: second place in the speed class.
  • National Championships Young Riders 2022: winner of a silver medal.
  • European Championships 2022: finishing in 18th position having made it to the individual finals.
  • CSI4* Mestas 2023: third place in the speed class.
  • Grand Prix CSIO5* Geneve 2023: fourth place.

Alex’s latest results can be found here.

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